
Appointment is an arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place.

>>     Making an Appointment
*      I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Kevin.
*      Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?
*      I’d like you to come and see Mr. Joe.
*      I’m going to call an engineer to come this afternoon.
*      Let’s make plans to go shopping next Saturday.

>>     Accepting an Appointment
*      All right, see you there.
*      No problem, I’m free on… (Saturday)
*      Be there on time.
*      I’ll wait for you.
*      It’s a deal.

>>     Canceling an Appointment
*      I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
*      I’m sorry. I’m very busy.
*      I’m so sorry, I have to put of our appointment.
*      I’m sorry, I can’t keep the appointment.
*      I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with Dr. Nicholas.

>>     Rescheduling an Appointment
*      I want to change my appointment from Monday to Friday.
*      Can I reschedule for Monday afternoon or any time Tuesday?
*      I want to postpone my interview to Saturday.
*      Can I move my appointment tomorrow?
       *      Do you have another time this evening?

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